Enchance Natural Beauty with Facelift Surgery

Cosmetic surgery has become more popular among male patients, with 14 million cosmetic procedures performed in 2013, an overall 22 percent increase since 2000. Of these, 12,699 were male face lifts , which represents approximately 10 percent of the total face lifts performed that year. The number of male patients seeking aesthetic procedures has increased over the past several decades and is most likely attributable to the decreasing stigma and greater acceptance associated with male patients undergoing cosmetic surgery. Although male patients seek a variety of cosmetic procedures, we have noted a significant increase in demand by male patients seeking facial rejuvenation. The root of this increasing demand is perhaps interest in longevity, health, and desire to remain active in the workforce. We have noted that male patients’ interest in facial rejuvenation relates to the desire to postpone retirement, and maintenance of appearance seems important in prolong...