Gynecomastia Surgery: Most Common Cosmetic Surgery Performed in Males

What is Term Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia  describes abnormally  large mammary glands in the man . The term  derives from the  Greek word  Gyne , meaning associated with women , and mastos  , meaning breast . In true gynecomastia , the tissue present is histologically  breast tissue ; in pseudogynecomastia  , the tissue is fatty in composition . Mixed  gynecomastia  , is a combination of the two. Most patients  with either kind of gynecomastia  pursue treatment because of embarrassment  by their feminine appearance .

Gynecomastia Surgery

What are the types of Gynecomastia Surgery?

There are two Gynecomastia Surgery procedures. Surgeons typically carry out one procedure or a combination of both:

Liposuction: Gynecomastia is often treated by a liposuction procedure to remove unwanted fat from the male breast. Liposuction is not effective for the correction of glandular gynecomastia.
Excision: Gynecomastia surgery is carried out through the removal of glandular tissue and skin. This procedure can also reposition the nipple.


Gynecomastia typically presents in 3 different  age groups:-

Newborns , pubertal boys, and  in old men . Breast enlargement  occurs  when there is relative imbalance of estrogen and testosterone. Causative  factors  range from physiologic  to endocrine  to exogenous . In the majority  of patients , the disorder  presents without any obvious cause . Exogenous medication maybe  a causative factor in 10% to 20%  of all patients.  The younger population may have true gynaecomastia or anabolic steroid  induced  gynaecomastia  whereas the  older men  who present  to the plastic surgeon are simply overweight . 

Gynecomastia is a benign, abnormal, growth of the male breast gland which can occur unilaterally or bilaterally, resulting from a proliferation of glandular, fibrous and fat tissue . It is estimated that this pathology occurs in 32–65% of men over the age of 17.  Gynecomastia is a psychosocial problem and may lead to a perceived lowering of quality of life . But the good news is that now the condition , can totally be corrected .

Look younger with Gynecomastia Surgeon 

Which is the Best Clinic for Gynaecomastia treatment?
Visit in Gurgaon/ Delhi NCR, for treatment of Gynaecomastia , by Dr Raja Banerjee, best Plastic Surgeon trained from Europe and Brazil, at very reasonable rate.


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